Subject: Coaching Courses / Workshops
Please find below details of forthcoming courses/ workshops. I will let you have details of those courses with venues to be confirmed as soon as I am able:
Level 1
10/11 May - Oxford
7//8 June - Nottingham
21/22 June - Teesside
5/6 July - South East - venue to be confirmed
Level 2
17/18 May - Teesside
31 May/1 June - Nottingham
19/20 July - Swindon
2nd Aug - North - venue to be confirmed
10th August - Nottingham
South - date and venue to be confirmed
The following workshops will be run over the summer period:
Goalie Workshop - date and venue to be confirmed
Developing Defensemen - date and venue to be confirmed
There is a Level 3 running over 22nd to 26th May - the Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be open for coaches to attend as workshops. We are waiting for confirmation from the guest speakers before we are able to let you know what sessions are being run on what days. Details will be sent to you as soon as possible. However, please note the spaces on these sessions are limited.
Please let me know asap if you have anyone wishing to attend any of the above.
Blackburn Eagles Kit Sponsor
EIHA Under 16 Division 1